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Top 3 Benefits of Staff-Assisted Home Dialysis

Staff-assisted home dialysis is a great treatment option for patients who don’t want to be tied down to the schedule offered by dialysis treatment centers. This type of dialysis is performed in the comfort and privacy of your own home by a licensed nurse who you work with on a regular basis. If you’re looking for both comfort and freedom in your dialysis treatments, then staff-assisted home dialysis has a lot to offer you. You can expect nothing less than the highest quality of care when you choose staff-assisted home dialysis, and you’ll enjoy more time to spend with your family as well as a greater sense of independence.

Greater Freedom to Choose

If you have to go to a treatment center to get your dialysis, it doesn’t give you much freedom to choose your appointments. You’ll have to live your life according to when the treatment center is open and when appointments are available. This can place a real burden on you, and limit your choices for other important activities in your life. However, if you choose staff-assisted home dialysis, you’ll have much greater freedom to choose when you want your treatments to take place, and you won’t have to abide by someone else’s schedule. You’ll be in control of your dialysis, and that in itself can improve your mood and lead to a better quality of life.

Improved Outcomes

Another benefit of choosing staff-assisted home dialysis is that it can actually lead to better patient outcomes. Visiting a treatment center several times per week for several hours is not as effective as being able to dialyze for shorter amounts of time more frequently throughout the week. When you choose staff-assisted home dialysis, you won’t be wasting any of your time traveling to a center and you can spend more time dialyzing more frequently in the comfort of your own home. You’ll experience fewer negative side effects from the treatment this way, and you won’t have to worry about the burden of travel sapping all of your energy.

One-on-One Care

One of the best benefits of choosing staff-assisted home dialysis is that you get one-on-one care with a licensed nurse. When you have to visit a dialysis center for treatment, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be working with the same professional each time, and it can be hard to build a good relationship with the people who are responsible for your care. When you choose staff-assisted home dialysis, this all changes. You can actually develop a good relationship with the medical professional responsible for your dialysis, and this can give you some great peace of mind.